What is a Health and Wellness Provider? What is Precision Medicine?

Most people understand what a primary care provider or physician can do for them. The typical doctor visit entails brief history taking, possibly some laboratory testing, and prescriptions. Very little time is spent discussing life goals, nutrition, or overall wellness. A health and wellness provider is more personalized than this, we aim to prevent rather than treat disease processes. Precision medicine, sometimes called personalized medicine, is an approach to patient care that tailors disease prevention and treatment taking into account the differences in genetics, lifestyle, and movement goals.

We like to say here at Thomas Cunningham MD we are proactive not reactive. We act as your advocate to summarize and guide your healthcare journey to optimize performance and longevity. Hippocrates was that first to assert that “movement is medicine.” We agree that your health is more than one pill or prescription; it is the entire human. We aim to guide you using all avenues possible to optimizes your goals through exercise, nutrition, supplementation and mindfulness.

Your health inquiry doesn’t need to stop at laboratory work. Today we can explore genetic testing and chromosome analysis, biometrics and movement patterns, and blood work to fuel our insight and recommendations. With a global view, specific recommendations can be made toward training interventions, nutrition, supplementation, and prescription medication.

Not only do we order laboratory work and prescribe medication but partner with you to discuss the impact and solutions to even the slightest irregularities. While some labs may not be “abnormal” we strive for optimization and will guide you towards the correct nutrition, medication, or supplement protocols that will enhance your health. Through looking at DNA, diet, laboratory work, lifestyle patterns, and mental health we can leave behind average and find your limits.

Having a provider that is focused on your wellbeing is like have a personalized coach who specializes in the better you. They are available to answer both simple questions about movement and training as well as more complex questions about hormone optimization or lipid panels. We understand that your time is valuable. During a consultation we will work with you to understand your goals and expectations, to make the most of your wellness journey. Whether your goals are to enhance performance, optimize health and longevity, or to reduce fatigue and improve mood, we are here to lead that journey.