Testosterone and the Power of Resistance Training

Studies have shown that weightlifting can have a positive impact on testosterone levels in both men and women. Here are some key findings from research:
Testosterone on the Decline?

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The Basics of Aerobic Training

Aerobic training is an essential aspect of most sports as it improves endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and helps athletes maintain their performance over an extended period.
The forgotten mineral, Boron.

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Building Strength and Mobility After a Finger Pulley Injury: Hangboards and Blood Flow Restriction

As climbers, it’s common to experience finger injuries, but not all finger injuries are the same.
A Guide to Finger Pulley Injuries

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Pulley Injuries: How to come back stronger.

Learn how to bounce back after an injury and regain your pre-injury strength. Stay tuned for training protocols, rehab advice and more.