Post Activation Performance Enhancement: What is it and how can it help?

Post activation performance enhancement is functional improvement after a training intervention. The intervention is performed prior to the performance activity. These interventions if performed correctly can help enhance athlete performance during the time it matters. This is more specific than a good warm up. It loads specific muscles in a way that prepares them for powerful explosive movements.

New research has shown that performing one set of two armed pronated weighted pull ups (at 5 rep max weight) can provide significant enhancement in campus board dynamic movement. (The study asked participants to calculate their 5 rep max weight prior to the study, most weight was around 85% of participants 1 rep max).

The study results show that after the same warm up participants who performed the training intervention performed 7.4cm further on the campus board (using the power slap test). Interestingly those who performed one arm pull ups at 5RM as a pre-performance intervention only improved by 3cm.

This is a useful intervention to use during warm-up before competition or performance red-point attempts.